Customer Story: Guarding university data with a holistic security model

As compared to most businesses, universities have significantly less control over endpoints, such as devices used and the thousands of student user credentials they must give out each year. This makes them especially vulnerable to cyberattacks.

The University of Arizona realized this, so when it came time to overhaul their internal network, CatNet, they prioritized the implementation of a holistic security solution. They found that the solution with Microsoft was uniquely prepared to deliver a forward-thinking security system designed to meet the specific needs of a university.

Even in “risky” situations, effective, holistic security and peace of mind is achievable. Contact us to learn more.

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Microsoft 365 Business | FAQs

Ever wondered what Microsoft 365 Business is? Or who should adopt it? At Quay Focus, we know that you may have a lot of questions about the solutions we provide you, that’s why we’ve put together this Office 365 Business FAQs guide.

Microsoft 365 Business is an integrated solution that brings together best-in-class productivity tools and device management abilities for small-to-medium-sized businesses. It provides enterprise-grade security capabilities, so you can protect data across all your devices.

Quay Focus wants you to have the best information to make an informed decision. Contact us to find out how we can help.

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Experience a New Level of Freedom with Office 365

Quay Focus understands how critical it is to any small business’ success that you deliver access, responsiveness, and quality – on your customers’ terms.

We’re excited to show you how #Office365 does this for Bryce McDonald, a solo entrepreneur who relies on an extensive network of vendors and partners to help him scale DAY 1 Wake, his wakesurf board making business, out to the world. Before Office 365, Bryce lugged his laptop around everywhere to make sure that he never missed a customer inquiry or an update to a design or order. Now, however, he can access, edit, and share documents from anywhere on any of his devices.

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Modern enterprises decrease costs and increase productivity with Microsoft O365

In a 2015 study, Forrester surveyed 66 very large organizations and the costs, benefits, and risks associated with their migration from on-premises solutions to cloud-based Office 365. Three-year risk-adjusted results showed a 124% return on investment (ROI), 299% internal rate of return (IRR), and net present value (NPV) of $560 per user. With #O365, large enterprises and small businesses alike can increase productivity and collaborate more easily while cutting costs.

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Tools and technology for developing future-ready skills

Labor economists predict that 65% of today’s primary school students will be in jobs that haven’t been invented yet. How can we prepare our students for a world no one can see coming?

At Quay Focus, we are confident it is possible to effectively prepare students for the future, even a fuzzy one. Microsoft focuses on using technology in ways that develop soft skills, such as creativity and communication; planting the seed early on for students to work in harmony with technology to solve business problems.

Contact us to learn more about the tools Microsoft is implementing to achieve these objectives.

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Microsoft Security Intelligence Report: Volume 23

Botnets, hacker methods, and ransomware, oh my!

After compiling information across 100 countries and millions of computers, Microsoft has identified the latest threats affecting digital security. In this report, take a deep dive into the aforementioned topics to discover how your business might be at risk and steps you can take to protect yourself.

At Quay Focus, we believe that protecting your business starts by arming yourself with information. Contact us to learn more.

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The Value of Certification

Recent graduates, of both high school and college, are chock full of knowledge and ideas. In order for them to have the greatest impact on their own lives and the lives of others, they first need to stand out from the pack and effectively communicate their insights with others.

That is what Microsoft Imagine Academy can provide: opportunity for students to earn valuable and relevant certifications that boost resumes and applications, and the know-how to proficiently and clearly communicate with their peers.

At Quay Focus, we believe that no matter where someone chooses to take their talents, we can help them get there.

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Microsoft identity-driven security

“In more than 63 percent of data breaches, hackers gain corporate network access through weak, default, or stolen user credentials.”

Using outdated multiple-password security is like leaving your front door unlocked for attackers. That’s why Microsoft developed Azure Active Directory Premium, which keeps your front door locked and bolted with features such as a single, secure sign on for all apps for each employee and multi-factor identification to make your network less password reliant.

Microsoft recognizes the importance of identity-driven security and their holistic strategy doesn’t stop there. Check out this infographic to learn more.

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